What is Feng Shui?
The three tresures of the sky are sun, moon, star.
The three essential components of a person are energy, chi, spirit.
The three essence of the earth are water, fire and wind. These are equal as in water, sun and air to a yang/living residence.
Water represents the blood in us, fire as in warmth and wind as in air which equals chi in a person.
The three important living condition for man are sun, water and air. Sun refers to warmth, as the right termperature is the most ideal condition for man to thrive. Too cold or too hot are considered hardship. And air? Air equals to wind in feng shui. It meant oxygen and flowing metabolism. Water represents shui in feng shui. Wind and water both are able to regulate temperature. Therefore wind and water (i.e. feng shui)together carry the meaning of warmth.
Feng shui is a study of location, timing and space.